How to Grow Your Email Marketing List — Royal Rose University

Avery Campbell
4 min readJan 12, 2022

You started your business and now you need to know how to get people on your email list, so you’ll always be connected with them even when Instagram and Facebook goes down every other week.

You’ve offered discounts, sneak peeks, early shopping, but not only is your list not growing, but you’re not getting any sales from them!

And let me tell you, email marketing is not dead regardless of what everyone says.

Here are four ways to grow your email list and how to get sales from your email list.

First, let’s go over getting them on the list.

Offering a discount is still the best proven way to get people to sign up for your email list, but if you’re only offering them a discount and no product recommendations or value afterwards, this is how you lose your customers. You want to set up an email automation when someone signs up for your email list. It can go something like this:

Signs up for email list and gets discount code Wait 24 hours for code to be used If not used, send another email with code and product recommendations Wait 48 hours Send them an email that introduces your brand to them and a reminder about the code Wait 48 hours Send a final email that the code will be expiring soon and they don’t want to miss out on this deal.

This sequence is guaranteed to convert those subscribers into customers as well as keeping them on your list because you followed up with them and gave them product recommendations after the discount code.

Second, offer exclusive products to your email list.

Now, I know you’re thinking that this may be extra work, but not really. If you sell skincare, your email subscribers can get sample sizes of scents and products. If you sell clothing, email subscribers can get access to an item in different colors.

You don’t have to do extra work, but just think of small things that you can give them that not only makes them want to sign up for your list, but also stay on your email list. People like to feel exclusive and love limited edition items. Play on that and watch your email list grow.

Third, create a freebie.

Now, freebies are more geared to service-based businesses, but if you sell products, you can give out free samples, free how-to guides, tutorials, or more.

If you sell jewelry, you can create a guide that shows subscribers 3–5 ways to style your jewelry pieces, and the guide can have a discount code at the very bottom, so you’ll know who actually opened the email and read the contents.

Offering a freebie gives you the chance to show people that you are an expert in your field and they should trust your judgment when it comes to whatever you sell.

Lastly, do an email challenge.

Email challenges will definitely get people on your list because they want free information or goodies, but you have to make sure you execute the email challenge correctly so that these subscribers not only stay on your list but you are also able to convert them into paying customers.

For example, I will be hosting an email challenge soon that will take my email subscribers through the journey of my coaching program. The email challenge will be 6 days long and each day they will receive an email that goes over a topic that we talk about in my coaching program. The goal is to not only get people on my email list but to also get them interested in my coaching program.

This will give them the inside scoop of what goes on during the six weeks and also allow me to show off my expertise so that if anyone was hesitant about joining, I have removed those doubts and fears.

Make sure that when you are telling people to sign up for your email list, that you are also sharing that they will get something in return. On average, people get 100 emails a day and the last thing they want is another email clogging up their inbox that provides them with absolutely nothing.

If you know your target audience, which I hope you do, then creating an email offer should be easier for you because you know exactly what your audience likes and what they are into.

If you’re interested in joining my coaching program, where we cover email marketing, you can sign up here.

Originally published at on October 19, 2022.



Avery Campbell

Avery. he/him. trans. business coach & social media strategist.