How to Make an Instagram Content Strategy Plan In Four Steps — Royal Rose University

Avery Campbell
3 min readJan 12, 2022

You’re on Social Media and you see everyone talking about content creation and content strategy and you’re confused about where to even start with creating a successful content strategy, especially creating a content strategy for Instagram.

In this blog, I will walk you through the four important steps to creating a basic social media content strategy. Disclaimer: This is just to get you a start on a content strategy. If you would like a full content strategy created for you, I offer those services here.

So, how do you create a content strategy for Instagram?

Step #1: Figure out what your goal is

What would you like to achieve this day/week/month/quarter in your business? You need to have a goal in mind when you’re creating your content, because that will help you develop what kind of content needs to be made and how often.

If your goal for the day is to make three sales, then your posts will be focusing on connecting with your current followers/email subscribers and showing them the benefits of your products.

If you’re trying to make three sales, there is no reason to try to create content that will get your product in front of new people, because they are not going to buy your product at first glance.

Your content will be focused on converting your warm audiences to hot audiences and hot audiences and to buyers.

Step #2: Figure out How you have to achieve your goals

What is it going to take to get you to those three sales? Is it sending 1–2 emails to your email list? Running a sale? Is it going to take three Instagram Posts or can you do it in one?

Whatever it is that needs to be done, you need to plan it. Remember to keep your goal in mind. On Instagram, there are specific features that helps with sales, engagement, visibility, and growth. Make sure you are using the right feature that will help you get three sales.

Does your first need to be explaining the benefits of your product, then a reel that shows your product in motion, then a post showing how easy it is to use that product.

Now that you know what your goal is and how to achieve that goal, it’s time to put it into action.

Step #3: Identify what you want your followers to do and feel with your posts

You know you want them to buy, but how are you going to make them buy and what feelings are you going to invoke that is going to want them to buy.

This is the most important step because people buy because of emotions more than they do logic.

Do you want them to feel inspired? Entertained? Like they learned something new? Relieved because you offered an amazing solution to their problem? Whatever that emotion or feeling is, your caption and picture should be able to make them feel it.

Really think about their feelings and the journey you want to take on when you’re creating your content. And remember that you want to take them on a journey.

Step #4: Create the Content

Now, it’s time to put all of this together and create the content that will do the job for you.

When you are creating your content keep your goal in mind and your followers feelings in mind as well. When you post content that is part of a journey, you can always lead them to checkout, because they feel like they have gotten to know you and your product more.

A few things to remember is that you want to be scheduling your content in advance because you’re not always going to be available at the same time that your audience is active online. I recommend using Later or Tailwind.

Another thing is, you want to know your target audience. I know I preach about this a lot, but it really is the backbone of your business. When you know your target audience, you know what content that they like to consume and how they want to be sold to.

If you want to work with me, I am currently taking clients for my coaching program.

Originally published at on October 27, 2022.



Avery Campbell

Avery. he/him. trans. business coach & social media strategist.